Anyway, I am not planning to write about the
nightmare he went through since then, not today. Many things had gone wrong for
him since but a few went in the right direction as well – especially finding
his long lost love and starting a new life was really great. His life could
have been a total mess if not for his new bride who not only took control of
the family but also provided the little girl a loving environment and an
opportunity to grow up with the love of a mother. It is not always easy to work
with a step daughter, but persistent and good intention always prevails. Hearty
kudos for her.
It was a great relief to see M doing well. He was wired up with several equipments and
had to be confined in his movement but looked normal and spoke freely. When I
first heard the message on my voice mail I had assumed the worst. At this point
I let out a deep breath of relief (it is not totally impossible that deep
inside me his promise to create a cover page and some interior art work for one
of my English novels might have flashed into my mind). As we made ourselves
comfortable into couple of chairs in M’s private hospital room it started to
seem very much like a lazy evening gathering. Our presence had clearly cheered
M up quite a bit and he spoke spontaneously and even chuckled several times. I
had many questions. Obviously he wasn’t of an age that warranted for a stroke
of any kind. But things happen. One of my brothers-in-law died in a massive
heart attack when he was only 36 – and he was fit, healthy, worked out
regularly. He was close to my wife. She cried for days and dreamed him for
years. Nobody had any clue about his heart problems. In Bangladesh very few
would go for regular checkups. However, we later found out that my
brother-in-law might have had ample reason to believe that he was at risk. He
was still struggling to establish his business, was not married and apparently
did not want to bother anybody with this problem as it would have been an
expensive treatment. I wonder how many men and women are there in Bangladesh
now who is quietly counting their days. He didn’t have to but he decided to take
the path to sacrifice.
Here, in Canada, with universal health care
things are taken care of by the government. Emergency treatments are definitely
good. Often seeing a specialist can be a lengthy process but overall the system works.
I was particularly interested in knowing the circumstances
of M’s stroke. How did it happen? What he thought? How he felt? And finally how
did he know it was a stroke? It is always good to get as much information as
possible from somebody who has experienced it firsthand.
He did some work out on his version of the treadmill (anti gravity)
- with hands of course as he had no legs. Once a week somebody from the health
care services came to provide him physiotherapy. As a general practice he
worked out only at his (the physiotherapist) presence. However, once a week was
not giving him enough work out so he allowed himself some additional sessions
on his own. That day he was on the treadmill for an hour or so. At one point he
stopped, feeling exhausted. Later he had supper with couple of tortillas and
vegetable curry and went to bed around 10 PM or so, as he always did.
He woke up in the middle of the night with a
slight chest pain but nothing serious enough to act upon. Often tortillas gave
him digestive problem and assumed this was just a usual gas pain. He tried to
go back to sleep but the pain continued to grow until it became too much to
ignore. Still not sure what to think he left his bed and started to pace in his
specious condo apartment. The pain continued to grow. At one point he became disoriented
and possibly unconscious as he had no clear memory of the next series of events.
We learned the rest from his wife who called 911 and also fetched their next
door neighbor. He was then moved to the Scarborough General Hospital by an ambulance
and later sent to St. Michael’s where they have more up to date equipments to
treat patients of stroke. This is where they diagnosed him of having a mild
stroke. He was fortunate to get quick treatment (they used a clot buster to
clear up a 30% blockage on an artery) and survived it without any serious
impact. He was later sent back to Scarborough General where we were having this
mini party of our own. During diagnosis the doctors found his blood to be three
times thicker than normal and prescribed blood thinners for him. He needed to
be under observation for the next 48 hours in the least.
H and his wife joined us little later. We stayed until
midnight and only left when the on duty nurse gently asked us to leave as it
was getting too late. We bid him good night and left. Next day was Eid-ul-Adha.
Thanks god, this one wasn’t going to be marred with any tragedies.
1 comment:
I found this post very useful. Strokes are now so common that we should all know how to recognize one.
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