I was a 11 year old boy if anybody asked me about my favorite television shows my
quick response would be 'Hawaii five o', 'Man from U.N.C.L.E.', 'The green
horn' , ‘Little House on the Prairie’, ‘Incredible Hulk’ , and obviously all
the cartoons (mind you I was in Dhaka and there was only one government run TV
channel). The unfortunate part was that we didn’t have a TV and we (me and my two
siblings) watched TV only when we visited some of our relatives who had one. Today
you say that to a kid s/he would probably have a mild stroke wondering how anybody
could survive without the latest edition of the game consoles, late alone a
worthless TV. Well, that's what technology does to us. It gives us convenience,
pleasure, entertainment and tons of other great stuff, but in return also
demands a lot. It changes us in the core, make us dependant - craving for more,
hooked into the magic of it all, and often make us sacrifice other equally great
things like outdoor activities.
our social circle any discussion about the kids brings up their schools (the
terms college and university are in sight but not yet a part). It is a common
opinion of the parents (who are first generation immigrants) that the school
work here is ludicrously light. The kids rarely have homework and once returned
home acted as if they had nothing better to do in life than to watch TV. When
we were kids we were burdened with loads of homework, additional science and
Math lessons by a house tutor, some more reading this and writing that for my
mother who was too hung up on studies. With no TV in the house there wasn’t a
whole lot to do anyway and I studied until it was supper time, every day. (The
outcome wasn’t terribly bad – being the top scoring kid in class had its
advantage too; teachers liked me, girls asked for favors).
the overloading had some negative impact on me as well. When I got older at
times I had to push myself hard to continue with my studies as some sort of
reluctance had built up deep inside me. Yet, I am not fully convinced that the
elementary/middle school educational system here is optimized. Conceptually I
agree with the idea to have the kids do most of the studies in the class and have
a life outside, at least until they are ready to handle the higher workload
without getting traumatized. However, then there are those times when I get
tired of watching the school going kids spending too much time before a TV or
playing games on a computer, something that can easily be eliminated with
regular homework. Yes, of course as parents we can force them into doing some
extra work but often they feel sad and burdened. Both Mili and I have struggled
over the years to get the kids do some studies at home. Our rate of success
improves depending on many factors, primarily how they felt on a particular day.
I have drifted away from what I wanted to say. Let’s get back on track. One of
our main concern with the otherwise wonderful kids (oh well, they are often
kind of annoying, perhaps a little self centered, sometimes too noisy,
definitely very tardy, always demanding but won’t even move a pinky when I
asked for anything, I can go on and on) is that they watch too much TV,
particularly annoying is the fact that the kid’s shows that they usually watch
come packed with inappropriate gestures, story lines and even passionate
kisses. Okay, as parents it again becomes our responsibility to censor but if
the TV networks conspire against us what can we really do? Shows that seem
quite appropriate one day suddenly grow up into teenage drama with alarmingly
high level of romance – all that love-hate-jealousy permutations and
combinations. It is quite apparent that instead of taking a role where network TV
could actually become a partner with the parents in raising these kids with a
better sense of childhood they are much more interested in giving in to
hormonal temptations and feed the young population increasingly more of that precocious
romantic melodrama which obviously brings more viewer with more ad money and
possibly higher benefits to the executives. (I know I am starting to sound like
another jealous schmuck unnecessarily trying to take a swing at the poor network
executives). Often I get so pissed off that I feel perhaps the ordinary parents
need to come up with a class A type lawsuits against these networks for
promoting inappropriate behavior on TV shows aimed at kids younger than
eighteen. There should be a limit to everything. Especially considering the
fact that the demography in GTA is very diverse with increasingly more
population swarming in from regions of the world that are known for having relatively
more conservative views of life. Network TV need to learn to respect their
views and adjust its own pattern of programming to be appropriate.
often take up a strategy of openness (to a certain point) to take the mystery
out of things, especially when it has anything to with the kids. They are inherently
wired to do things that we don’t want them to do, often their curious minds
undermining the risks involved (getting us mad, of course). I allowed them to
watch some of the controversial lovey-dovey shows thinking perhaps they would
learn to disregard the inappropriate parts. Often it does become difficult to
manage all the content that they watch. For the sake of parental sanity some
slack had to be given. Mili, on the other hand, is much tougher and mercilessly
tried to censor shows unless she was too busy, or too tired or simply
frustrated with all these constant observation (and acting like a jailer). If
you can’t rely on a family channel to deliver appropriate content how can you
I am drifting again.
I wanted to say is that one fine evening what I noticed that not only surprised
me but perhaps alarmed me a little as well. Zakeem was watching Iron Chef – the
culinary program where the Iron Chef competed against a guest chef to please
three judges who at the end of the show declared one of the competitors as
winner. The Iron chef himself is a big white guy with big belly and a less than
cute face running around with pots and pans and frying this, baking that,
chopping this, slicing that … all kind of cooking stuff. No cute looking girls
flirting with cute looking guys, no kissy-issy, cat walk and other sexual
teasing. This was quite relieving. Both Mili and I have been scratching our
heads trying to find a good reasonable solution without having to program the TV
for censoring practically everything. None of us was in favor of such hardcore
censoring. The way our hands played out seemed to be quite pleasing. Zakeem, in
his preteen, has been our main concern. Seeing him hooked on cooking shows was
much more relieving than him ogling half naked girls in teen/preteen sitcoms.
when at one point of the show Zakeem excitedly declared that he was definitely
going to become a chef, I was slightly alarmed. Nothing against the chefs.
Great profession, good money if you can get to that level, wonderful potential
if you can start your own restaurant somewhere at the heart of New York (that’s
where I hear all the big and famous restaurants are). The only problem is I had
other plans for him. Yep, that’s the right mindset of a parent from third world
countries. We plan for our kids, obviously for their good and sacrifice a lot
to make it happen. Agreed I have deviated quite a bit from my original plans
for Zak over the years – from medical sergeant to chartered accountant to movie
maker. I had never even considered the possibility of becoming a Chef. Concerned
but not enough to readily jump into this issue I refrained from making any
comments. Zakeem is one of those kids who doesn’t say a lot and doesn’t do a
lot. He likes drawing and that’s the only thing he does with quite a bit of
passion outside his studies. I don’t see him running around in a room full with
pantries trying to cook some delicious dishes for his patrons. Drawing
something up on the dinner plates with pen, pencil or a brush – possible but food?
A total no-no scenario.
the next few days I noticed him watching these shows with increasing interest.
Farheen had little interest in food and hates practically everything and
anything to do with food. She craves for the regular hormone high shows – not sure
how much she actually understood. Often fights break down between the siblings
on choosing the channel which is usually handled by their mother by turning the
whole magic box off.
few days have passed since my discovery. Good thing is Zakeem has reconsidered
his position on becoming a chef and agreed that he could learn some cooking on
the side while going for other things that he was more interested in (things
that I planned for him, of course!).
did he want to be – came the next question. Perhaps a game maker, he confidently
mentioned. He is working on the characters. Not exactly what my plan is but not
too far from it either. I gave my full approval adding that making a movie is
not too much different than making a game and can actually provide access to
much bigger audience and turn one rich and famous and respected like Steven Spielberg
who made some of those wonderful kids movies.
shrugged. Perhaps.
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